Sunday 22 March 2015

The Wonder Child Challenge - Chapter One

Hello everyone and welcome to my new challenge. This is the Wonder Child challenge. The rules for this challenge can be found here. Basically, what you're trying to do is create the most overachieving child that you can - maxing skills, topping careers, gaining traits, etc. - before they age into a Young Adult.

I'm going to attempt to keep track of my points, I have a notebook in front of me so I can note things down as the child achieves them. But, enough preamble, let's get on with the show!

Welcome to the Wonder Child Challenge! Chapter One. Here we go...

I apologise profusely for not remembering all of my sims traits. I was playing this earlier today and I obviously didn't feel the need to write this all down (rookie mistake!). Anyways, the mother and father are not the important sims for this challenge. But I do want to add their pretty stats slides to a third party family tree website...

I remembered slightly more of the father's traits, not sure why. Anyways, Melanie is a sim that I created at my boyfriend's house over the weekend and I really liked her - I'm just playing out her family with no challenges or whatever, she died of embarrassment before she could become an elder. Alf here was a founder of a failed Alphabetacy challenge. I figured they both deserved a break and helping me to raise a Wonder Child should cover that.

So the rules of the challenge say you can start in any house/lot that they can afford, so I bought the middle plot of land (not the cheapest, not the most expensive) and built a little starter home for them. It is empty of furniture because I'm hoping that they'll roll the wants for the furniture and I can harvest the points from completing the wishes (taking a leaf out of Pinstar's book for that one).

Alf gets straight to work on his first painting. I'm hoping that he'll paint tons of mood enhancing pictures so that the Wonder Child will always be in the correct moods - since I can't buy the plumbob lamps (do not buy the plumbob lamps this time Heather!).

I'm not sure shocking your roommate is a good way to start off your relationship...

And instead of talking to each other, they play games on their phones. Oh how like real life this game is!

There's a couple of rock things beside their house, so I decided to send Melanie out to get them. Pretty sure these give off a focused aura when you get them back from the Geo Council people (or whatever they're called).

Fun is a hard motive to keep up when doing this challenge, I've discovered. I bought some bonsai trees because they up gardening, but Melanie butchered them so I bought her a stereo instead. Now she's dancing horribly. I'm not sure what's worse: her dancing or the poor trees.

After a few days, the little collection is coming along nicely. The cubes do, in fact, give off a focused aura which will be perfect for the kid doing homework and practicing typing on the computer. The MySims are playful, which is less helpful but still handy to have around.

Alf is progressing nicely with his aspiration. I hate it when I have to make my sims leave the home lot though. I like to trap my sims in their homes where I can keep an eye on all of them at once.

These two aren't really friends, but they do sit around eating food in front of their TV a lot, in their undies as well so I guess they're at least comfortable around each other.

With 1/4 of their Adult lifespan gone, I decided to kick things up a notch and get these two hooked up.

At least she approves. I hate it when you're trying to get sims to like each other and they just fight you the whole way.

First kiss! Boom!


And here's where things start to speed up a smidge. Both of them were sitting around level 3 in their careers (cook and painter) and I was going to wait until they were level 5 but screw it, they're not getting any younger and I need them to still be alive until the kid hits teenhood. So yeah, baby's on its way!

And it was really sweet when Alf rolled the wish to get engaged after hearing the good news! Didn't roll the want to get married though so they're just staying engaged until that happens.

Hope your back's alright there, Alf...

Fast forward a little while and Melanie is in labour!

And so, our Wonder Child is born! Alf was ever so helpful during the labour as he sat and watched TV...
Anyways, the Wonder Child is a boy! I named him Ben because I was watching Parks and Rec at the time. Tune in next time to see how Wonder Child Ben's childhood goes!

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